John Kennedy Mazda Conshohocken

Five Questions to Ask a MAZDA Dealer

Shopping with the help of the right Mazda dealer is just as important as shopping for the right Mazda model. Dealerships can vary as much as their selections, so determining the right one for you can add further complications to the car-buying process.  


Here at John Kennedy Mazda of Conshohockenyou’ll find a team of friendly and knowledgeable Mazda dealers, but don’t just take our word for itMake sure you ask these five questions to ensure you’re giving your business to a Mazda dealership that deserves it. 


Do You Offer In-House Financing? 

Many dealerships, ourselves included, offer in-house Mazda financing to simplify the purchasing process for our patrons. While you arent required to utilize the in-house financing, doing so cuts out the middleman of your transaction. And its never a bad idea to seek pre-approval during your visit! 


Can I Trade In My Current Car? 

Trading in your current vehicle is a great way to boost your purchasing power during the car-buying process. If the dealership does accept trade-ins and is interested in your vehicle, make sure you have it evaluated while you look for your next ride. 


How Do You Pick Which Models Are MAZDA Certified Pre-Owned? 

Mazda Certified Pre-Owned cars are a fantastic solution for drivers looking for a newer model that doesnt break the bank. Inquire about the dealerships certification process for insight into the assurance of quality they are promising.  


Do You Provide Vehicle History Reports? 

You are entitled to the full details of a pre-owned Mazda vehicles history before buying. Vehicle history reports should always be available so you make the most informed decision you can.  


Where Did You Get This Car? 

Pre-owned vehicles are sourced through several different ways, usually through wholesale auctions and customer trade-ins. Knowing where the vehicle came from can shed light on its history, so make sure you inquire about a vehicles origins before moving forward with financing.  


Chat with a MAZDA Dealer at John Kennedy MAZDA of Conshohocken  

Now that you know our answers to all of these questions, why not stop by John Kennedy Mazda of Conshohocken to peruse our selection of new and pre-owned Mazda vehicles? The only thing standing between you and your next Mazda vehicle is a quick test drive, so stop by today to take yours!